Thursday, April 12, 2012

Domesticating the Children

Sometimes the people who design toys are idiots. Really, who needs a toy pager in the doctor kit that sounds exactly like Mommy's and Daddy's real pagers? Or who needs the toy that is nothing other than a button that, when pressed, emits a loud belching noise? (Though, my confession to the world is that we gave the latter toy to Noah to distract him in the car multiple times when younger because he could operate it, and it made him laugh.)

But sometimes, they get it just right... Take the featured toy at the last Egle get-together...

Look at how intrigued they are! They're fascinated. They've seen their parents using such things, but haven't had the chance to investigate themselves.
They probably won't be able to wait until they're big enough to push the ones that actually suck and clean (note to Fisher Price, if you're reading: that's an amazing opportunity for improvement on the pictured toy).
Just like a slinky, a vacuum is fun for a girl or a boy. That's right... Noah's gonna vacuum like it's going out of style as soon as he's old enough to be trusted not to electrocute himself.
Another cool toy? Oven mitts. How awesome are those?
Not only do they prevent burns, but they also give you super-human strength...


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