Sunday, August 11, 2013

Noah, you're turning Violet!

Summertime... Among other defining characteristics (most notably, the Tigers...) is wonderful fresh fruit. We went last year to pick fresh blueberries. So, how could we resist doing so again?

We went fairly early in the season, so the pickings were a bit slim.

But it's not really so much about the fruit as it is the experience, right? Noah was looking good in his sunglasses and was ready with his bucket.

If you remember the pictures from the last time you went, you probably notice a key difference: they seem to include more of Noah actually picking berries, and fewer of him eating... Perhaps he's getting more mature in his old age.

Or perhaps I spoke too soon. Noah does love blueberries after all!

Like I said, there weren't a ton of berries out, yet... but there certainly were a lot of mosquitoes. That combo wasn't exactly desirable, so we didn't stay an incredibly long time.

After some last minute running through the fields to burn a little extra energy, we called it quits. Not quite as many berries as last year, but definitely still lots of fun!

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