Friday, August 30, 2013

Meet Amaya Rose!

August 29, 2013, our blog got a new co-star... Just after midnight, after forty-one weeks of anticipation, Amaya Rose emerged!

After a smooth induction for being so late, baby came out just fine, and Mama did spectacularly!  As the baby was halfway out, Libby asked the doctor whether the baby had lots of hair... She does!

After a relaxing 1 1/2 day hospital stay, they came home.  Dada had to work for the first couple days, but tried his best (with limited success) to minimize his hours.  Now, the whole family is home together for a week, as Dada's vacation begins!

So far, Amaya is asserting a different personality from Noah.  She seems to eat just as much, but she doesn't seem to stop moving when she's awake - a far cry from Noah's bump-on-a-log strategy.

She seems to be sleeping okay... For now, Libby's done the lion's share of getting up at night, so I must sheepishly admit that she could tell you better than I...

She has really beautiful big eyes... Dark colored... Gray, maybe? Hard to say...

She wants to eat everything... Her hand... Dada's finger... The blanket... Anything remotely close to her face.

She has a powerful cry.  It seems to always mean the same thing, though:  I'm hungry!  And then, Viola! Calm, happy (often asleep) baby, once again!

Libby has already enjoyed dressing her up in cute girls clothes... Though she's been disappointed that all of the dresses we have are way too big for a newborn size,   She is a tiny little peanut! 6lbs, 15oz at birth, 20in.

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