This portion of the year, Jonathan's work-load is probably lighter than it will be for the rest, and for now there is only one little Egle running around, so when presented with a day and a half off, what better way to spend it than Noah's first camping trip? Nowhere too special... just a campground on a lake near Port Huron.
And Noah wasted no time. He immediately wanted to head to the beach. Who could blame him? So, we headed over and waded/swam/played for hours!
Baby girl will be coming soon! |
Some people might let the rockiness of the beach discourage them or thwart play plans, but not Noah. It was probably even better with rocks than it would've been with just plain sand.
Scooping them... flinging them... throwing them... splashing them... Rocks are fun, and rocks+water=even better!
But of course there was swimming, too! Noah's getting used to the idea of floating and kicking and paddling... some day we'll have to get him in swim lessons, but for now, he's completely content to frolic!
But for all the swimming that was to be done, there was probably about twice as much rock throwing! High... far... two at once... one at a time... big ones... little ones... the variety never seemed to end, nor did Noah's delight. He probably could've sat there for days just throwing stones into the water.
And even with rocky sand, digging holes is cool... and burying feet is even cooler!
Noah liked playing in the tent. He liked the camp food. He liked all the other little kids running around the camp ground. He liked the campers that were loudly broadcasting the Tigers game on the radio.
Enjoying an early birthday present from Ellia - his own Lightning McQueen camp chair! |
Dinner's cooking - stew! |