Noah - (Hebrew) Comfort. Biblical character who built the ark, allowing two of each species to board and survive the flood.
Genesis 6:5-8
The Lord saw how great man's wickedness on the earth
had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts
of his heart was only evil all the time. The Lord was
grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart
was filled with pain. So the Lord said, "I will wipe mankind,
whom I have created, from the face of the earth - men and
animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds
of the air - for I am grieved that I have made them." But
Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.
Wilbur - (English) Desire and fortress. Also, the name of Jonathan's paternal grandfather. As Noah is (so far) the only male Egle of his generation, a family name seemed appropriate. And since Mary Frances Egle is one of the coolest ladies in the whole world, why not borrow her husband's name?

Of course, everyone wants to know details:
Gestional age: 40 weeks, 6 days
Time of birth: 6:56 am
Weight: 7lbs, 11oz
Length: 20.5 inches

Labor started at about 5:30pm Sunday... Total labor time wasn't too long, for a first baby. Libby was phenomenal. She's super strong. I pushed on her back (at her request) so hard it made my hands numb and hurt at the same time (weird, eh?), but she made it through it all, and didn't even get pain meds!

He's slept a lot so far, today, but he has been awake enough to nurse several times. He's super cute.

He's really fun to hold. And very well behaved. Again, I think this is a precedent that should hold true for the next 18-20 years or so. We do anticipate him being toilet trained by the end of the week, and he should be reciting poetry and winning the Heisman trophy within a few months.

We've been fortunate to already have a number of visitors. As you can see by their attire, they're our fellow residents. That's been an extra bonus of delivering where we work...

Dr. Rothenberg was very supportive... even though she hadn't slept all night, either.

So, we missed 10/10/10 by a matter of hours. I guess we should've had a spicy breakfast yesterday, instead of a spicy lunch. But, Noah shares a birthday with his paternal grandmother... that's pretty cool. And an interesting bit of trivia: On Jonathan's mother's side, there are a billion little kids in this new generation... Noah is only the second male child. Do you know what the other's birthday is? October 11.

This photo was from when our newborn, precocious as he is, sang us a full rendition of La Boheme in impeccible Italian.
There will be more photos... more posts... The Egle clan is coming to visit this evening, and the first of the Asais, as well. But had to get the initial post out there.
Thank you to everyone for all your well wishes and gifts and support throughout this pregnancy, and praise Jesus for this wonderful new blessing in our lives!
congratulations!!! yay, noah has finally arrived! praise God for his amazing creation...he's given you guys an absolutely adorable lil boy!
ReplyDeleteHooray!!!! He is SO beautiful! Love his name--both biblical and family--all good stuff! And Libby--you go girl! (I only managed a delivery without meds when I had NO option.) We are so very happy for you both. :-)
ReplyDeletePraise God! We're hoping we'll get to meet this little guy sometime soon! Maybe we can introduce our little girls to y'all as well! :) Love you guys and are happy for your family!
ReplyDelete--the eggers
Congratulations on the arrival of Noah! What a beautiful baby! Your Dad called us tonight and shared the wonderful news. We are so thrilled for your family and hope you all doing well! Love...Arleen and Dick
ReplyDeleteholy mackerel - it's a mini Jonathan Egle!!
ReplyDeleteCan't even say how happy I am for both of you! Hope to meet Noah soon :)
ReplyDeleteYou all look great. Baby, mom and dad for all you all went through. We are excited for you! We got the news right away from Rick. We remember when Libby baby sat for our kids and now has one of her own!
Jan, Janelle, Emi, and Stephie