Thursday, October 7, 2010

Today's the Day

Today's the day. Well, today's a day that's one of the two "the day"s, but whether or not it's THE day, we'll know by the end of the day. Got it?

Today is the due date... Or as someone I know referred to it about a month or two ago, D-day. Libby and I had a very slightly different calculated due date from the doctor (a minor tweaking of the formula based on our profound understanding of all of the minute intracacies of the female menstrual cycle [please sense my sarcasm.... It's all hogwash, anyhow]). We've been quoting October 7 as the due date, while our doc has been using thr 5th. (HA! Obviously we are closer!

But over the last week, Libby has gotten more and more ready forthe baby, and she eventually decided the fifth sounded more appealing. So, Tuesday (the fifth), when she went to work, she told everyone that she was due that day... I guess trying to urge things along by thinking positively.Anyway, that's where we stand. Still pregnant. I'm still holding out for 10/10/10... We'll see...

So, as I mentioned, today's the day (due date). Well, today's a day that's one of the two "the day"s (two due dates), but whether or not it's THE day (birth day), we'll know by the end of the day (midnight). Got it.

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