Monday, February 1, 2010

Fertile Ground

We hadn't tried conceiving very long at all before being successful. Not that I was surprised by that, or anything. I mean, after all, my guys are good swimmers, and I wouldn't expect anything less from them. It made me reflect on the time in our marriage before we were trying, though.

I remember having thought about all the effort that we had gone through to avoid pregnancy. I began thinking about all the effort that lots of people go through to avoid pregnancy. Sometimes people try really hard to avoid it, and next thing you know, Oops! I had wondered about the opposite, though... what if we had been trying really hard to avoid it, and then when we started trying, it had taken a really long time? What if all that effort was really in vain, and we hadn't really needed to try so hard to avoid it because it would be really hard to conceive?

But, that's neither here nor there. As I mentioned, my guys are good swimmers. And now that's a proven fact. Just for the record. It's even been proven AND confirmed, as Libby has taken another test, just to verify that she is, indeed, pregnant.

1 comment:

  1. jonathan, i love your wit. excellent timing as well. keep these posts coming!
