Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Turkey Day - better late than never

Only one major holiday behind in my posts... That's not too bad, right?  Ahhh... Some day I'll catch up.  So, "Turkey-treat" wasn't a post about Thanksgiving, but to allay any doubts, I assure you this post IS.  Most Thansgivings for our family involve spending time with the family at a state park in Ohio, but that was not to be this year, since work often complicates such plans.  S instead, we found other ways to make the holiday fun and meaningful.

First on the agenda: Royal Oak's Thanksgiving Parade!

For a community parade, it was pretty impressive.  Lots of floats and bands and the like.  But none of that really matters, now, does it? Not when there are MOTORCYCLES! Bbbrrrrooom Bbbrrrrooom!!

One of the cooler groups, if you ask me, though, was the unicyclists.

The celebrity of the event was Paws.  Any parade with the DetroitTigers' mascot must be cool, right?

Noah was pretty tired.  He stuck it out to see Santa at the end.  In fact, he insisted upon it.  Does he really know who Santa is or why he's in a parade? No, but he wanted to see Santa like his life depended on it!

Reindeer. Super excited kiddo.

He made it! He saw Santa! And then proceeded to fall so deeply asleep on the bike ride home we couldn't wake him up even when we tried.

So the Royal Oak parade was a good warm-up, but Noah and Dada had something in common: never having been to the Detroit parade! Time to remedy that!

The two best seats in the house: the statue guy in the chair, and Dada's shoulders.

The coolest color guard member of any bandin the parade (the orange one, in case you were confused).

This is a creepy clown.  When you have a really pretty church in the background, this is still a creepy clown.

Paws. Tigers' scoreboard in the background. Great parade.

Cool bicycles, but not QUITE as cool as unicycles.

Noah and Grandpa had a good time.  Sometimes Dada's shoulders got tired, and Grandpa bailed him out.  Doesn't seem like Noah minded too much, eh?

Thanksgiving Day Parade and Uncle Sam.  Very American!

Trying to get a picture of a squirmy kiddo and the big balloons in the same frame... That's a challenge, believe it or not.  But this one of Noah and Grandpa turned out all right.

I am glad we don't watch TV.  I don't think I understand cartoons these days.

The Little Drummer Girl must've seen the parade on TV or something.

Old toy with a new twist- backwards sliding!


Everyone ate delicious food.. But the food was so good, picture taking was not a high priority.

Such a sweet hug!

Noah wanted to give Ellia a pink cowgirl hat to go with her boots... I think she liked it.

And the best finish of all to the holiday? A story read by Grandpa!,

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