Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The next steps in childraising...

At the ripe old age of 9 months and 29 days, Noah has entered a new chapter of his life. He has graduated from cruising to walking. (For anyone who was equally clueless as I was before Noah came along, "cruising" means walking with support... for example, holding onto the couch or a push toy or something.)

Yesterday, the actual date of interest, he was holding onto Libby's Nalgene bottle - correction, that's Noah's Nalgene (or at least he thinks so). Libby and I were sitting on different couches in our living room, and Noah was between us. As is his usual game, he wanted to go back and forth between us. This time, though, he had his hands full. So, who needs to hold on for support? Apparently not Noah. He took a good four steps completely unassisted (carrying a full Nalgene bottle, nonetheless) before deciding he was close enough to me that he could faithfully fall in my general direction and I would catch him.

Was it a fluke? Nope. Esra happily reported that he took three steps while she was watching him today. And I put him to the test (as well as my new iPad, as I hadn't used it to record a video before), and the results are below. See for yourself.

I apologize it's so close-up. He wouldn't let me get far away before he came after me :) And don't worry... I caught him at the end.

1 comment:

  1. His walking with faltering steps is so cute and wonderful. I guess the next thing for him is running, in other words having you run after him! Have fun!
