Sunday, August 28, 2011

One Year!

You only wish this post was actually about Noah's birthday. Actually, though, I'm six weeks behind, as I haven't posted the cute pics of our superstar from his appearance at his cousin's birthday party... So stay tuned for his special day. You could at least get a sneak preview of the cake eating at Elizabeth's blog.

Ellia's party was a wonderful outdoor event, during a glorious summer day. Almost too hot, but not quite, the sun was a great opportunity for our new water-baby to enjoy a dip in the pool.

He didn't really want a lot of help, but he also wasn't too happy when he would occasionally slip and his face would end up underwater. It didn't deter him for long, though, and he stayed in the kiddie pool as long as we would let him.

And when we finally pulled him away from the pool, he found the other source of water: the slip-and-slide-like fountain thingie... Such a change from his days of fearing the water. He's a changed man.

Sometimes I think Noah gets bored at home. It's absolutely terrific having an au pair around and not having to take him to day care often, but I think he relishes every chance he gets to play with other kids and play with new toys. He certainly loved experimenting with some of Ellia's new digs, like the classic red plastic car.

He offered to drive Ellia around, but she had been watching him drive... she knew better than to get into the car with him. (As advanced as Noah is for his age, he surprisingly doesn't have his license, yet).

Libby and I were observing everything closely, taking notes on what made a successful first birthday party, as we'd soon be in the same boat. Note #1, quickly blow out candle as baby reaches for it... check!

Note #2: father should dutifully videotape cake-to-face smashing episode... check!

Note #3: enjoy watching baby smash every last little crumb into face.... check!

Note #4: Plan for quick getaway and washing of the baby after cake is served... check!

Note #5: Enjoy the first few gifts as a family when baby is actually interested in helping open them... check!

It was a fun day, but even the Energizer-Bunny-of-a-baby, Noah, who seems to thrive on such social situations needed to take a little siesta. But don't worry, he wasn't down for long...

Not when he discovered the ball pit, that is!

Then, for the rest of the time, he was pretty much giddy, as he tends to get when he's tired (what a great baby!), playing with the grandparents and then with Ellia some more...

Interesting sequence of events:

Playing happily in Grandma's arms

Ellia hits Noah

Noah hits Grandma

Ellia hits Grandma

Noah hits Ellia

Such violence!

At at the end of a long day, Noah finally couldn't stand it any more... sleepy time! (And his parents weren't far behind...)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Water Baby?

Devoted fans of Noah may remember his first bath experience:

Not the most pleasant of circumstances for the newborn. Also memorable was his first "real" bath (after the umbilical cord fell off). The pictures we posted were innocent enough, but I assure you it wasn't received entirely pleasantly:

Since that time, Noah has outgrown the sink. He has outgrown his little mini bathtub, and now he gets baths in the big boy tub. He LOVES them. And no, I'm not being sarcastic. He walks up to the tub as the water is running and tries to stick his hands in. He drops toys into the bath water. Once we put him in, he spashes and crawls and stands and falls to his butt and generally has a delightful time. He resists when we end his bath.

The truly hardcore fans of Baby Noah will also know that three previous attempts at getting him to swim (surgery lake party, kiddie pool with cousin Ellia, lake up north for Fourth of July) all ended in a practically hysterical baby.

Noah stubbornly seems to have his mind made up that he's a water baby... but only in the safe confines of the bathroom. So, when we went on vacation to Lake Michigan, we didn't have high hopes... but maybe the period that he took to adjust to bathtime would be predictive of the time he needed to adjust to lake time, and now he would have fun? Time would only tell...

Noah and Mommy unpack at the cottage

Noah demonstrating he's still a food baby, if not a water baby.

Preparing for the first trip to the beach

We didn't take long before putting Noah to the test. On the first day we were there, we unpacked our stuff, and then took the three minute stroll to the water. Are you on the edge of your seat? Can you imagine what will happen next? Maybe I should turn this post into a "Choose Your Own Adventure" sort of story, where you can choose the drastic plot turn...

Pretty lady... pretty beach...

Noah contemplates which "adventure" he would chose in the plot

Are you ready to choose your adventure?

  • Continue reading the next paragraph if you want Noah to love the water

  • Continue reading someone else's blog if you want a baby who hates water

That's right, ladies and gentlemen. I'm about to make my grand water entrance.

Drumroll, please...

Tada! No screams...

(I know this picture doesn't demonstrate that, but trust me...

and there will be more pics, later.)

He loved the water. Whatever switch needed flipping was very much flipped. No fear. No anger. Just delight. Now, the only time he'd cry is when we made him get out of the water. He didn't mind walking around in the water. He didn't mind getting his pants wet. He loved every second of it.

Washing off the sand...

We enjoyed our opportunity to relax. We enjoyed time away from work and from our daily lives. Libby and Noah even got to enjoy a breakfast in bed.

Actually, Noah had already eaten breakfast...

This was Libby's turn to eat. Or does that grin mean Noah has other ideas?

Mmmm... peach!

Noah enjoying finally getting a chair his size...

On a walk on the Pier

Fortunately, we had great weather the whole time. Except, of course, the day we went to the Pier - a little rain and a lot of wind made for an interesting walk.

Noah managed to find a cozy shelter for the walk, though.

For the sake of actually getting this post online, I will forego the rest of the description and just let the cute baby in the pictures tell his own story...