Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rolling, rolling, rolling...

Noah is bigger... he's stronger... he's better than ever. That's what happens when his daddy is too much of a slacker to update on a more regular basis. This is a catch-up post. And it doesn't even catch all the way up, but here are a few highlights of Noah's new tricks since I last posted eons ago:

Terrific Tummy Time
Noah has always been a little reluctant to lie on his tummy... maybe it's because it's big, making it hard for him to balance. (That was a joke... his belly's not THAT big.) He is tolerating it more and more these days. And as he lies on his belly, he tends to alternately push with each leg. He doesn't go anywhere... yet. That day is probably coming soon. Also, he's rolled a few times from front-to-back, but he sometimes forgets that he knows how to do that. It's not very consistent, yet.

Sitting Pretty
Noah is now an excellent sitter. He sits cross legged way better than his inflexible father. His balance the first few days of trying was a little sketchy, but now he's pretty rock solid. Well, by "rock solid," I mean that we still surround him routinely with pillows just in case he topples, but that doesn't happen too much any more. He's even good at reaching for and grabbing things in front of him and off to the sides without falling. Next thing you know, he'll be trying out the balance board on the Nintendo Wii.
Brushing Regularly He's still got two teeth. I don't think that will last much longer, because he seems on the verge of at least one more. But we have gotten him into the routine of brushing his teeth every night before bed. We use a brush that goes over the tip of one of our fingers and has bristles at the end. He seems to enjoy the unrestricted opportunity to chew our fingers more than anything, since we usually discourage it due to pain and the potential bleeding associated with it.
Cute Baby I'm sorry... have I mentioned it yet in this blog that our baby is really cute? As a matter of fact, maybe the rest of this entry should just be pictures of him...

Is that Godzilla or Noah?

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