Sunday, September 12, 2010


I was threatened today. I'm not sure what the exact consequences would have been if I didn't comply, but I think it was pretty serious. Today was Libby's last baby shower, and one of the guests told Libby, "Tell Jonathan he'd better post pictures ASAP!" Libby assured the guest that the pictures would undoubtedly be up before the guest arrived home.

Of course, pregnancy has a funny way of inducing forgetfulness, so I didn't get the message until hours afterwards. Not a chance that the guest isn't home yet. So, Candace, I apologize profusely, and I beg for mercy. Please take note that I rushed as much as I could, and that this post is being put up promptly, and that it's going up before the two posts that I have floating around in my head, waiting to be written... Hopefully that counts for something.

My personal favorite gift... the only one for me. (Baby changing kit)

Mmmm... who can eat lunch when dessert looks so good?!

Lots of wonderful gifts...

The Gammage Girls

Wait?!? Is that a non-pregnant Laura?? (AND a Saginaw relative?!?)

Some family medicine chicas

Representing family medicine

Good food at Pascuale's Italian Restaurant

The Mastermind behind the games (no games pictured, unfortunately)

The Cupcake Crew (so tasty!!!)

Gift time!!

Gorgeous handmade blanket (our second such blessing from Ms. Johnson)

Handmade quilt from future Grandma's friend/boss!

Excited to get my gift!

Watching the festivities

Can't have too many pictures of the deliciousness

Another family medicine snapshot

Our Malawi/East Lansing connection and the crocheter/threatener (she looks so innocent!)

Look how empty the trays look... and how happy Audrey looks! Coincidence?

Chattin' it up

Unwrapping the time machine (at least that was my guess)

Colorful... the picture hardly does it justice

An experienced Mom at work

1 comment:

  1. i'm gonna have a bad reputation!! but i guess if i'm gonna have a bad rep, i should clarify my threat: i meant pics when the baby was born! those better be posted ASAP *shakes fist semi-threateningly* lol =) but thanks for getting the baby shower pics up asap too...your promptness is much appreciated!
